來源:騰訊佛學(xué) 2014年6月28日
Here, I want to finalize by illusting one of the most favorite sutra I’ve noticed by Chinese. In fact, it is believed that the first ever printing material was produced in China and that happens to be Diamond Sutra. Now if you read the Diamond Sutra, there is an amazing illustration of wisdom and method together. When you read it from the beginning, there is this meticulous discription about how Buddha folded his robes, how he put it on the ground and there he sat, and all that‘s meticulous, like how he sat straight, all of these. It illstrates almost like a very austere, rigid, you know like, almost like military. You can almostt hear, you know like, the silence, you know, the setting. But as you read the sutras, the dialogue between Subhuti and Buddha particularly demolish all these setting. So much so, that Buddha, when he ask,“Subhuti, have I taught?” And when Subhuti said, “.No, you never taught.“ And Buddha said, “Excellent, yes, I have never taught.” This comes after like how many, maybe like 10 or 20 pages of all the teachings. This balance out all the meticulous, almost rigid like, the setting. This is how the widom and method is combined and illustrated.
佛說萬法 實(shí)無一法可說
Now, finally, but has he ever taught? Here we have to contemplate what do we mean by “taught“. The truth, the ultimate truth is beyond conception, words, language. But as soon as I said this, you may end of thinking, oh, this is like some other religion’s God. God is also like beyond conception, beyond interpretation, beyond words and all that. But here, we are not talking about any of this kind of mysterious experience. This Shunyata, this realization of the Shunyata, even though it cannot be taught, it cannot be conceived, it can be realized. When you realize this, like a dumb eating sweet, you will know how sweet it is, but there is no word you can use to express how sweet it is.
a. 點(diǎn)擊標(biāo)題下方“周周向上→”關(guān)注;
b. 搜索公眾賬號“周周向上”關(guān)注;
c. 掃描頁面下方的二維碼關(guān)注;
d. 聯(lián)系編者18049700567(微信)。